CHARLOTTE, N.C. (PRNewswire) -- The Next Generation Indie Book Awards (NGIBA) has welcomed more than 90,000 viewers and participants to their first-ever virtual awards reception this year.
As a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the NGIBA shifted the annual gala to a Zoom celebration of the independent and self-publishing elite.

The program included a posthumous tribute to NBA legend Kobe Bryant for his two book creations that won as finalists – both books were written to inspire underprivileged children to overcome adversity through sports.
This reception was LIVE streamed via Facebook and conducted much the same way as the normal, in-person festivities.
Winners and finalists were announced, book covers were displayed on screen, individual testimonials were made, and glasses were clinked around the globe.
One positive aspect that surfaced post-event, was the realization that more winners and finalists were able to participate due to the ability to access from home with no travel required.
In addition, the NGIBA was able to share the successes of 2020 participants with the public in a phenomenal, interactive manner.
Viewers were free to comment during the live stream and chat in real time with the NGIBA advisor team. Blending success, craft, and community in this way allowed for a rich, inspiring experience for all who chose to engage.
While celebrating independent and self-published authors and illustrators is the main goal of the awards program, creating an inclusive opportunity for all creatives is of utmost importance.
The NGIBA has always believed in elevating voices that have long been suppressed, and by adding several new categories and further diversifying the advisory team, this goal has continued to drive the program's advocacy. Everyone has a story to tell, and the NGIBA wants to listen.
The NGIBA is the world's largest book awards program for independent publishers and self-published authors.
Winners and finalists are chosen from thousands of submissions and honored at an annual gala in conjunction with a major publishing trade show.
The awards are judged by leaders of the book publishing industry, many of whom boast long careers with major houses. Their love of literature and vast experience in the marketplace enables them to identify books deserving of a wider audience and larger platform.
The advisory team at the NGIBA is well equipped and ready to engage with the literary community, eager to push forward toward equality and social justice for all.
Submissions are currently open for the 2021 awards season. To enter or learn more about the program and past winners and finalists, visit
SOURCES: Next Generation Indie Book Awards; PRNewswire