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COVID-19 survivor: Food intake important in recovery process

Writer's picture: PRNewswirePRNewswire

JAKARTA, Indonesia (PRNewswire) -- All parties must adhere to health protocols as best they can in to keep the COVID-19 transmission low. Everyone must always maintain a strong immune system so the public at large would be resilient in the midst of the current pandemic.

This was conveyed by Dr. Twindy Rarasati, a COVID-19 survivor, in the "Dialog Produktif" program titled "Vaccines as part of Preventive Health Planning" held at the COVID-19 Handling and National Economic Recovery Committee (KPCPEN) Media Center on November 23.

Productive Dialogue: Vaccines as Health Preventive Planning

Twindy, like all other health workers, faces greater risks of contracting COVID-19 than the general public.

After undergoing a series of examinations, she had tested positive for COVID-19. "At first, I felt short of breath, then I had headaches, fatigue, as well as lost my sense of smell and taste. But I didn't have a fever or cough though," she explained.

She believes that there are many symptoms that can appear when a person is infected with SARS CoV-2. That is why Twindy recommends that everyone should always pay attention to the changes that occur in their bodies.

"I was hospitalized for two weeks and went into self-isolation for another two weeks at home. After that, I was declared as recovered from COVID-19 and could return to work," said Twindy.

Boost immunity Twindy explained that during the recovery process her sense of taste and smell gradually recovered after losing both of those senses for four or five days.

"I arranged for my dietary intake to be high calorie and high protein. This was an effort to boost immunity," she said when sharing about the treatment that she went through.

Because of her profession as a doctor and being at the forefront, Twindy realizes that she faces a greater risk of contracting COVID-19 than the general public.

To prevent the risk of transmission, Twindy's initiative is to mitigate the risks.

"I have implemented health protocols at home. There is a separate room and there is already a flow to the things we have to do when we get home. Eating meals are not done together to reduce the risk of transmission to other family members," she said.

Based on her experience as a survivor, Twindy said health protocols must be adhered to as best as possible.

"The responsibility to carry out health protocols lies with us. Don't forget to continuously update the knowledge related to COVID-19 so we know what we must do during this Covid-19 pandemic. For now, we must continue to fight against COVID-19 and keep our spirits up. We can rise up and overcome this pandemic," she concluded.

About KPCPEN Based on the consideration that the handling of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and the national economy recovery must be aligned in one integrated and inseparable strategic policy, President Joko Widodo issued Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 82 of 2020 on the COVID-19 Handling and National Economic Recovery Committee (KPCPEN) on July 20, 2020.

SOURCES: The COVID-19 Handling and National Economic Recovery Committee; PRNewswire

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